Dorian RecordingsDOR-93175
The Sport of Love
 Música Antigua de Albuquerque

The 14th century, called in Italian the tresento (literally, the "three hundreds"), was a period of enormous flourishing in all the arts. In literature, the Divine Comedy of Dante established his Truscan dialect as the literary language of Italy. Following Dante were Petrarch and Boccaccio, the great poet/writers of the century. The Tresento saw the rise of several masters of painting, the foremost of whom was the Florentine, Giotto. Italian architecture contrasted sharply with the austere French Gothic style. Italian churches were characterized by simplicity, warmth and light, and continued the tradition of Roman basilica. The greatest buildings of the century, all in Florence, were the church of Santa Croce, the Cathedral, and the Palazzo Vecchio, the city hall.
In music, one of the greatest innovations was the establishment of Italian notational practices distinct from those of the contemporary French Ars Nova. …
- Art & Colleen Sheinberg
1. Trotto - Anonymous (14th century)
2. Tosto che l'alba - Gherardello da Firenze (c.1320/5-1362/3)
3. L'aquila bella - Gherardello
4. Vola el bel sparva - Jacopo da Bologna (fl.1340-1360)
5. Lasso! di donna - Francesco Landini (1325-1397)
6. Cosi pensoso - Landini
7. Salterello - Anonymous ( 14th century)
8. Canto di uccellatori alle starne - Alessandro Coppini (c.1465-1527)
9. Caccia "Alla caccia su su" - Anonymous ( 15th century)
10. Correno multi cani - Anonymous ( 15th century)
11. I vostri acuti dardi - Philippe Verdelot (c.1470/80-before 1552)
12. Questa fera gentil - Hubert Waelrant (1516/7-1595)
13. So ben, mi, c'ha bon tempo - Orazio Vecchi (1550-1605)
14. Pavana & Gagliarda: La traditora - Anonymous ( 16th century)
15. Das Jägerhorn - Anonymous ( 15th century)
16. Es taget vor dem Walde - Ludwig Senfl (c. 1486-1542/3)
17. Ich schwing mein Horn - Senfl
18. Es jagt ein Jäger g'schwinde - Senfl
19. Pastime with good company - Henry VIII (1491-1547)
20. Blow thy horn, hunter - William Cornysh (d. 1523)
21. Blow thy horn, thou jolly hunter - Anonymous (1609)
22. Je ne fus jamais si ayse - Pierre Certon (d. 1572)
23. L'enfant Amour - Nicolas de Marle (fl. 1544-68)
24. Pour voz plaisirs et solas - Alexander Agricola (1446?-1506)
25. Il estoit une fillette - Clément Janequin (c. 1485-1558)
26. M'amye a eu de Dieu - Janequin
27. Amours me trocte par la pance - Jean Braconnier (d. 1512)
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