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Dorian Recordings


Caramelos Latinos
Latin American "Lollipops"

by Ginastera, Revueltas, Moncayo, Carreño and others

Simón Bolívar Symphony Orchestra of Venezuela
Maximiano Valdes, Conductor

DOR-90227 Cover - 23397 Bytes Latin American Masters - 6381 Bytes The Simón Bolívar Orchestra was established on February 12, 1975, as a musical response to Simón Bolívar's ideals of fraternity and cooperation. The freshness and dynamism of youth, together with the desire for a world made better through the universal language of music, have attracted the orchestra's staff from every corner of Venezuela.

Mozart Camargo Guàrnieri (1907-1994)
Trés Dansas para Orquesta
[1] Dansa brasileira (Brazilian Dance) (1928)
[2] Dansa selvagem (Savage Dance) (1931)
[3] Dansa negra (Negro Dance) (1946)

[4] Encantamento

Alberto Ginastera (1916-1983)
[5] Obertura para el "Fausto" Criollo

Silvestre Revueltas (1899-1940)
[6] El renacuajo Paseador (The Wandering Tadpole) (1935)

Inocente Carreño (b. 1909)
[7] Margaritena

Juan Bautista Plaza (1898-1965)
[8] Fuga romantica (1950)

José Pablo Moncayo (1912-1958)
[9] Huapango

Dorian Recordings & Dorian Discovery
are distributed in Australia by Rockian Trading