Dorian RecordingsDOR-90116
 Antonin Kubalek, Piano
The programme chosen for this recording not only contains arguably Schumann's two best known works, it also encupsulates the entire span of his career as a piano composer, containing as it does, one of his first major successes as well as the last creative product of his pen. Schumann's piano music holds a special place in the developement of keyboard literature and the resources of the instrument. Like Chopin, Schumann discovered rich expressive possibilities in the piano that had never before been imagined. For instance, in his writing, the sustaining pedal acquires unprecedented powers of suggestion; though the piano can only sustain a tone for a brief time, its sound - like that of the harp - is capable of floating into the air and dying away into moving stillness. In creating and using this ethereal effect to achieve the greatest depths of musical meaning, Schumann was an absolute master. - Antonin Kubalek
CARNAVAL, Op. 9 (Scénes mignonnes sur quatre notes / Dainty Scenes on Four Notes)
[1] Préambule
[2] Pierrot
[3] Arlequin
[4] Valse noble
[5] Eusebius
[6] Florestan
[7] Coquette
[8] Replique
[9] Papillons
[10] A.S.C.H. - S.C.H.A. (Lettres Dansantes)
[11] Chiarina
[12] Chopin
[13] Estrella
[14] Reconnaissance
[15] Pantalon et Colombine
[16] Valse Allemande
[17] Paganini
[18] Aveu
[19] Promenade
[20] Pause
[21] Marche des Davidsbündler contre les Philistins
KINDERSCENEN, Op. 15 (Scenes from Childhood), Scénes d'Enfants

[22] Von fremden Ländern und Menschen / Of Strange Lands and People / Des pays lointains
[23] Curiose Geschichte / Curious Story / Curieuse histoire
[24] Hasche-Mann / Blind-Man's Buff / Colin-maillard
[25] Bittendes Kind / Pleading Child / Désir d'enfant
[26] Glückes genug / Happy Enough / Bonheur parfait
[27] Wichtige Begebenheit / Important Event / Evénement important
[28] Träumerei / Reverie / Rêverie
[29] Am Camin / By the Fireside / Au coin du feu
[30] Ritter vom Steckenpferd / Knight of the Hobby Horse / Sur le cheval de bois
[31] Fast zu ernst / Almost Too Serious / Presque trop sérieux
[32] Fürchtenmachen / Being Frightened / Faire peur
[33] Kind im Einschlummern / Slumbering Child / L'enfant s'endort
[34] Der Dichter spricht / The Poet Speaks / Le Poéte parle
(Three Fantasy Pieces /
Trois Morceaux de Fantaisie)

[35] Molto vivace ed appassionatamente
[36] Piuttosto lento
[37] Con forza, assai marcato
(Songs of Dawn / Chants du Matin)

[38] Tranquillo
[39] Animato, m non troppo
[40] Vivace
[41] Con Moto
[42] Tranquillo, poi piú mosso
Dorian Recordings & Dorian Discovery are distributed in Australia by Rockian Trading