Dorian Discovery
Iberian Garden
Jewish, Christian and Muslim Music in Medieval Spain, Volume 2
Altramar medieval music ensemble Jann Cosart, vihuelas d'arco, rebecs Angela Mariani, voice, harp, lira, percussion Chris Smith, vihuela da mano, mozarabic lute, oud, percussion David Stattelman, voice, percussion with Timothy G. Johnson, shawm Allison Zelles, voice, harp, percussion
In 1993, the eminent scholar and performer Thomas Binkley challenged the members of Altramar to create a program of medieval music that would give equal representation to the extraordinary musical, literary and spiritual diversity of Jewish, Christian and Muslim Spain. Such a project would require the inclusion of pieces in Castilian, Catalan, Gallego-Portuguese, Latin, Hebrew, colloquial and formal Arabic - and a plethora of specific musical styles and techniques. Tom Binkley did not live to hear the final result, but his indomitable spirit continues to inspire us. -Altramar
[1] Zajal: Yáhnï-kúm, Yahnï-kum!
Ibn Quzmãn (c.1086-1160)
[2] Planctus: Plange Castella misera
Anonymous (Codex Las Huelgas, c.1325)
[3] Cantar 3: La Afrenta de Corpes, lines 3145-3187
Anonymous from the Poema de Mio Çid (13th Century)
[4] Piyyut: àhâlay yikkonu dârakay
Abraham ibm Ezra (1089 - 1164)
[5] Muwashshah: Adir la-nã akwãh
Al-A mà (d.1126) or Ibn Baqi (d.1145 or 1150)
[6] Estampie: Ball de la Mort
Altramar (after Ad mortem festinamus, from the Llibre Vermell, c.1396)
[7] Estampie: Canción del Shofar
Altramar (after Seville Chansonnier, 15th Century)
Dorian Recordings & Dorian Discovery are distributed in Australia by Rockian Trading