Canadian pianist David Jalbert tackles Bach's Goldberg Variations in a new ATMA Classique recording. Critics have already praised his interpretation of this masterpiece in concerts: After some sixty-five minutes of deep concentration coming almost from another world the pianist repeated Bach's slow, melodic opening Aria and closed the Variations' frame. There was a long moment of silence, then a sustained sequence of unanimous, loud, standing applause punctuated by bravo's [for] David Jalbert [
]. No one expected or wanted an encore. One could not ask for more. - Joe Lella, The beat magazine Nov. 2011
Composed between 1739-40, Bach's Goldberg Variations floated in the margins of the keyboard repertoire for nearly two
centuries before rapidly becoming recognized as one of its great masterpieces. Beginning in the 1930s, harpsichord revivalist Wanda Landowska kindled fervent interest in the work. Glenn Gould's wildly successful recording in 1955, on the modern piano, cemented its reputation.
I remain convinced that this piece works beautifully on the piano, which allows for a different kind of variety. The repeats, for instance, offer us infinite opportunity to change colours, dynamics and articulation in a way that Bach would probably have enjoyed very much. - David Jalbert
1. Aria
2. Varialio 1 a 1 clav.
3. Varialio 2 a 1 clav.
4. Variafo 3 Canone all'Unisono
5. Variatio 4 a 1 clav.
6. Variatio 5 a 1 ovvero 2 clav.
7. Variatio 6 Canone alla Seconda
8. Variatio 7 a 1 ovvero 2 clav.
9. Vafiatio 8 a 2clav.
10. Variatio 9 Canone alla Terza a 1 clav.
11. Variatio 10 Fughetta a 1 clav.
12. Variatio 11 a 2 clav.
13. Variatio 12 Canone alla Quarta in moto contrario
14. Variatio 13 a 2 clav.
15. Variatio 14 a 2 clav.
16. Variatio 15 Canone alla Quinta in moto contrario a 1 clav. Andante
17. Vaiiatio 16 0verture a 1 clav.
18. Variatio 17 a 2 clav.
19. Variato 18 Canone alla Sesta a 1 clav.
20. Variatio 19 a 1 clav.
21. Variatio 20 a 2 clav.
22. Variatio 21 Canone alla Settirna
23. Varialio 22 Ala breve a 1 clav.
24. Varialio 23 a 2 clav.
25. Variatio 24 Canone ala Ottava a 1 clav.
26. Variatio 25 a 2 clav.
27. Variatio 26 a 2 clav.
28. Variatio 27 Canone alla Nona
29. Variatio 28 a 2 clav.
30. Variatio 29 a 1 ovvero 2 clav.
31. Vanatio 30 Quodlibet a 1 clav.
32. Aria
ATMA Classique is distributed in Australia by Rockian Trading
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