SACD 2407 Cover

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Bach Sacred Cantatas Volume 8
BWV 76 :: 79 :: 80
Cantates pour Luther

Hélène Brunet soprano | Michael Taylor countertenor
Philippe Gagné tenor | Jesse Blumberg baritone
Eric Milnes

ACD2 2407

The eighth recording in a complete series of J.S.Bach's Sacred Cantatas

• Scandalized by the abuses of the Catholic clergy, on October 31 1517, the Augustinian monk Martin Luther posted his Ninety-Five Theses on the door of All Saints’ Church in Wittenberg.   The document condemned the selling of indulgences, advocated radical reforms, and set out his doctrine of justification by faith alone.

• Every October 31 since the early 16th century, Lutheran communities have celebrated the Feast of the Reformation.   In his role as cantor at the Saint Thomas church in Leipzig, Bach wrote two cantatas to be sung for the occasion: the first version of BWV 80, likely composed in 1723, and two years later BWV 79.   Cantata BWV 76 was written for the second Sunday after Trinity, and the second part was offered to the church of Saint Paul for its Reformation celebrations in 1724, 1729, 1740, and 1745

• This is the eighth release in ATMA's project to record the sacred cantatas of J.S. Bach in conjunction with Festival Montréal Baroque.

• This cycle is performed in keeping with the latest scholarship on Bach's own performances, with the chorus sections sung by the four soloists, one voice per part.

• Festival Montréal Baroque is held every year in Old Montréal, with performance venues in churches, factories, and a warehouse that actually date back to the Baroque era.   The Festival has gained an international reputation amongst Early Music performers, and attracts artists and audiences from around the world.

Hélène Brunet soprano
Michael Taylor countertenor
Philippe Gagné tenor
Jesse Blumberg baritone

Susie Napper direction artistique | artistic director
Eric Milnes direction | conductor



Notre Dieu est une puissante forteresse | The heavens are telling the glory of God
Trompette, tromba da tirarsi, 2 hautbois, hautbois d'amour, violon, viole de gambe, cordes et basse continue |
Trumpet, tromba da tirarsi, 2 oboes, oboe d'amore, violin, viola da gamba, strings, and continuo (Leipzig, 1723)
Première partie / First part
  1 :: I. CHOEUR : Die Himmel erzählen die Ehre Gottes [atb ]4:01
  2 :: II. RÉCITATIF: So lässt sich Gott nicht unbezeuget! [ténor] 1:25
  3 :: III. ARIA : Hört, ihr Völker, Gottes Stimme [soprano] 5:23
  4 :: IV. RÉCITATIF : Wer aber hört [basse] 0:35
  5 :: V. ARIA : Fahr hin, abgöttische Zunft! [basse] 3:10
  6 :: VI. RÉCITATIF: Du hast uns, Herr, von allen Straßen [alto] 1:18
  7 :: VII. CHORAL: Es woll uns Gott genädig sein [satb] 2:29
Seconde partie / Second part
  8 :: VIII. SINFONIA (adagio-vivace) 2:47
  9 :: IX. RÉCITATIF : Gott segne noch die treue Schar [basse] 0:47
10 :: X. ARIA : Hasse nur, hasse mich recht [ténor] 2:43
11 :: XI. RÉCITATIF : Ich fühle schon im Geist [alto] 0:51
12 :: XII. ARIA : Liebt, ihr Christen, in der Tat! [alto] 2:36
13 :: XIII. RÉCITATIF : So soll die Christenheit [ténor] 0:40
14 :: XIV. CHORAL : Es danke, Gott, und lobe dich [satb] 2:28

Dieu, le Seigneur, est soleil et bouclier | God the Lord is sun and shield
2 cors, timbales, 2 traversières, 2 hautbois, cordes et basse continue |
2 horns, timpani, 2 transverses, 2 oboes, strings, and continuo (Leipzig, 1725)
15 :: I. CHOEUR : Gott, der Herr, ist Sonn und Schild [satb] 4:52
16 :: II. ARIA : Gott ist unser Sonn und Schild! [alto] 3:14
17 :: III. CHORAL : Nun danket alle Gott [satb] 1:56
18 :: IV. RÉCITATIF: Gottlob! Wir wissen den rechten Weg [basse] 0:48
19 :: V. ARIA (duo) : Gott, ach Gott, verlaß die Deinen [soprano,basse] 3:05
20 :: VI. CHORAL: Erhalt uns in der Wahrheit [satb] 0:32

Notre Dieu est une solide forteresse | A Mighty Fortress Is Our God
3 hautbois, hautbois de chasse, cordes et basse continue |
3 oboes, oboe da caccia, strings, and continuo (Leipzig, 1724)
21 :: I. CHOEUR : Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott [satb] 5:29
22 :: II. ARIA CHORAL: Alles, was von Gott geboren [basse choral au soprano] 3:25
23 :: III. RÉCITATIF : Erwäge doch, Kind Gottes, die so grosse Liebe [basse] 1:44
24 :: IV. ARIA : Komm in mein Herzenshaus [soprano] 3:17
25 :: V. CHORAL: Und wenn die Welt voll Teufel wär [satb] 3:16
26 :: VI. RÉCITATIF : So stehe dann bei Christi blutgefärbten Fahne [ténor] 1:13
27 :: VII. ARIA (duo) : Wie selig sind doch die, die Gott im Munde tragen [alto, ténor] 4:20
28 :: VIII. CHORAL : Das Wort sie sollen lassen stahn [satb] 0:56

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