Music at the Stuttgart court experienced a flowering in the 17th and 18th centuries that amazes us to this day. The quality of the music created and performed there easily holds its own when compared to that originating in more well known centers of high culture of the times. One of the reasons for this was the stimulating cultural climate then current in this southwestern corner of the German speaking realm; France and Italy, the great archetypes for art and culture, lay so close that, even with the difficult travel conditions of the times, both were easily reached. This is music certainly well worth discovering, performed by the flamboyant Ensemble Caprice, comprising flutes, recorders, violins, gamba, harpsichord, formed organ, lute, and percussion.
Theodor Schwartzkopff (1659-1732)
[ 1] Chaconne do majeur / C major 1:48
Anonyme (18e siècle/18th Century)
[ 2] - [ 9] Contredanses parisiennes 13:43
Sebastiano Bodino (1700-1760)
[10] - [14] Sonate en trio mi bémol majeur / Trio Sonata E flat major 9:34
Sig. Detri (18e siècle / 18th Century)
[15] - [18] Sonate do mineur / Sonata C minor 9:49
Anonyme (18e siècle / 18th Century)
[19] - [26] Balletti di Venezia 12:40
Sebastiano Bodino
[27] - [29] Quatuor ré majeur / Quartet D major 8:54
Theodor Schwartzkopff
[30] - [35] Sonate ré mineur / Sonate D minor 7:30
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