Claudio Monteverdi (1567-1643)
vespro della beata vergine
ACD2 2304/5 (2 CD Set)
Suzie LeBlanc, Barbara Borden sopranos
Alexander Schnelder contre-ténor | countertenor
Rodrlgo del Pozo ténor aigu | high tenor
Julian Podger, John Potter tenors | tenors
Bertrand Chuberre, Jelle Draijer, Stephan MacLeod barytons-basses | bass-baritones
violons | violins Milos Valent, Peter Spisský
altos | violas Daniel Elyar, Torbjorn Köhl
viole de gambe | viola da gamba Erin Headley
violone Joshua Cheatham
orgue | organ Detlef Bratschke
chitarrone Paul O'Dette, Stephen Stubbs
harpe baroque | baroque harp Maxine Ellander
Concerto Palotino
cornetti Bruce Dickey, Doron David Sherwin
trombones Charles Toet, Simen van Mechelen, Wim Becu
Direction Stephen Stubbs
Anyone who sets out to perform Monteverdi's 1610 Vespers in the early 21st century is in the lucky position of standing on the shoulders of giants. First and foremost that musical giant, Monteverdi himself whose powerful and individual voice still speaks so clearly across the intervening centuries; but also those adventurous souls who pioneered the revival of the instruments and techniques which over the last 50 years have made it ever more possible to hear the sonorities that Monteverdi would have known. The work itself has become one of the most performed and beloved masterpieces from the 17th century.
  Stephen Stubbs
In this recording I placed a single figure opposite Monteverdi, the great organ composer from the German tradition: Heinrich Scheidemann, who was a pupil of Sweelinck and organist at St. Catherine's in Hamburg. He was described well into the 18th century as "frey und frölich, munter und aufgeräumt" (free and happy, lively and cheerful). This "Scheidemannische Lieblichkeit" (Scheidemannesque sweetness) is characteristic of his music. The rich musical culture of the Italian Baroque with its often spectacular vocal and instrumental forces, found its equal in the monumental town organs (with three keyboards
and independent pedal) of the northern countries such as Germany and the Netherlands.
  Leo van Doeselaar
Heinrich Scheidmann (ca 1595-1663)
praeambulum in G
fantasia in d
'dic nobis Maria quid vidisti in via'
magnificat VIII toni
Leo van Doeselaar organ
vespro dell a Beata vergine
I. Deus in adiutorium [ 2:02 ]
Julian Podger
Domine ad adiuvandum
Suzie LeBlanc, Barbara Borden, Alexander Schneider, Rodrigo del Pozo, Jelle Draijer, Julian Podger, John Potter, Stephan MacLeod, Bertrand Chuberre
II Psalmus 109 : Dixit Dominui [ 7:03 ]
Barbara Borden, Suzie LeBlanc, Rodrigo del Pozo, Julian Podger, John Potter, Jelle Draijer
III Concerto : Nigra sum [ 3:30 ]
John Potter
IV Psalmus 112 : Laudate pueri [5:42 ]
Suzie LeBlanc, Alexander Schneider, Julian Podger, Jelle Draijer, Barbara Borden, Rodrigo del Pozo, John Potter, Stephan MacLeod
V Concerto : Pulchra es [ 3:39 ]
Suzie LeBlanc, Barbara Borden
VI Psalmus 121 : Laetatus sum [ 6:17 ]
Barbara Borden, Suzie LeBlanc, Alexander Schneider, Julian Podger, John Potter, Stephan MacLeod
VII Concerto: Duo Seraphim [ 5:29 ]
John Potter, Julian Podger, Rodrigo del Pozo
VIII Psalmus 126 : Nisi Dominus [ 4:29 ]
Suzie LeBlanc, Alexander Schneider, Bertrand Chuberre, John Potter, Jelle Draijer, Barbara Borden, Rodrigo del Pozo, Julian Podger, Charles Toet, Stephan Macieod
IX Concerto : Audi coelum [ 7:29 ]
Julian Podger (tenor solo | tenor solo), John Potter (tenor echo | tenor echo), Barbara Borden, Suzie LeBlanc, Rodrigo del Pozo, Bertrand Chuberre, Julian Podger, Jelle Draijer
X Psalmus 147 : Lauda, Jerusalem [4:10]
Suzie LeBlanc, Alexander Schneider, Rodrigo del Pozo, Jelle Draijer,
Julian Podger, Bertrand Chuberre, Barbara Borden, John Potter, Stephan MacLeod
XI Sonata sopra 'Sancta Maria, ora pro nobis' [ 6:30 ]
Barbara Borden, Suzie LeBlanc
XII Hymnus : Ave maris Stella [ 6:30 ]
Barbara Borden, Rodrigo del Pozo, John Potter, Jelle Draijer, Suzie LeBlanc, Alexander Schneider, Julian Podger, Stephan MacLeod;
Barbara Borden, Suzie LeBlanc, Stephan MacLeod (solistes | soloists)
I Magniflcat [ 0:42 ]
Barbara Borden (soliste | soloist), Suzie LeBlanc, Alexander Schneider, Rodrigo del Pozo, John Potter, Julian Podger, Bertrand Chuberre, Jelle Draijer, Stephan MacLeod
II Et exultavit [1:17 ]
Rodrigo del Pozo, Alexander Schneider, Jelle Draijer, Stephan MacLeod
III Quia respexit [1:37 ]
Jelle Draijer, Bertrand Chuberre
IV Quia fecit mihi magna [ 1:08 ]
Alexander Schneider, Rodrigo del Pozo, Jelle Draijer, Stephan MacLeod
V Et misencordia eius [ 1:47 ]
Barbara Borden, Suzie LeBlanc, Rodrigo del Pozo, Bertrand Chuberre, Stephan MacLeod, Jelle Draijer
VI Fecit potentiam [ 1:01 ]
Alexander Schneider, Rodrigo del Pozo
VII Deposuit potentes [2:12 ]
Jelle Draijer, Bertrand Chuberre
VIII Esurientes implevit bonis [ 1:19 ]
Suzie LeBlanc, Alexander Schneider
IX Suscepit Israel [ 1:21 ]
Barbara Borden, Suzie LeBlanc, John Potter, Julian Podger
X Sicut locutus est [ 1:07 ]
Rodrigo del Pozo
XI Gloria Patri [2:15 ]
Julian Podger (tenor solo | tenor solo), John Potter (tenor echo \ tenor echo), Suzie LeBlanc, Barbara Borden
XII Sicut erat in principio [ 1:47 ]
Barbara Borden, Suzie LeBlanc, Alexander Schneider, Rodrigo del Pozo, John Potter, Julian Podger, Bertrand Chuberre, Stephan MacLeod, Jelle Draijer
Heinrich Scheidemann (ca. 1595-1663)
Leo van Doeselaar - orgue | organ
XIII Praeambulum in G [ 5:24 ]
XIV Fantasia in d [ 4:08 ]
XV Arrangement pour orgue ('aurF2 Clavier Pedaliter') du Motetto per Concerte Ecclesiastico a 6 Voci : 'Die nobis Maria quid vidisti in via' (Venise, 1598) de Giovanni Bassano (ca 1558-1617)
Arrangement for organ ('a uff2 Clavier Pedaliter') of the Motetto per
Concerte Ecclesiastico a 6 Voci:
'Die nobis Maria quid vidisti in via' (Venice, 1598) by Giovanni Bassano (ca 1558-1617) [ 6:38 ]
XVI Magnificat VIII Toni [ 8:54 ]
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