Following on the critically acclaimed volumes 1 & 2 (Goldberg 5, Diapason 5, Répertoire Recommended) by the gamba duo Les Voix Humaines, here is Volume 3 of the complete 67 « Concerts » for two viols by Sainte-Colombe, considered by some as the greatest 17th-century gambist. Sainte-Colombe's life remains a mystery till this day; what is no mystery, though, is the emotional depth of his works. They are marked above all by their great expressive range, their contrasts in tessitura and tone, and the variety and emphasis of colour and affetti, as notes author Pascal Quignard. Thus
continues this extraordinary and thrilling project, delivered by the two members of Les Voix Humaines, [whose performances] are absolutely superb, encompassing all the poetic intensity of Sainte-Colombe's music (Brian Robins, Fanfare November/December 2001).
CD 1
xxxvi L'attentif 4:37
xxxvii L'heureux 5:58
xxxviii Le meslé 5:53
xxxix Le resjoui 4:53
xl Les récits 10:23
xli Le retour 8:07
xlii Dalain 5:01
xliii Le bref 2:43
CD 2
xliv Tombeau Les Regrets 8:52
xlv Le Cor 2:38
xlvi L'estonné 3:50
xlvii Le pianel 4:58
xlviii Le raporté 10:58
xlix La Vignon 14:28
l Le brun 6:04
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